Performing any therapeutic and advanced back massage can require plenty of professional training. However, a relaxing and efficient massage can still be given to anyone without proper training. There are a few basic techniques of massage that can help you a lot to give a great massage. Some important tips for giving a great back massage are as follows.
1. Choose an appropriate and comfortable location
Using a massage table can give you the best access to anybody's back. It is also built for a great level of comfort and provides a proper alignment for your spine. There are however a few alternatives you can look at in case there is no table available. For example, you can try using the floor, a bed or a couch.
2. Pour the massage oil on your palms
You need to start by using one teaspoon and this is roughly the size of a quarter. You can also rub it between your hands before actually applying it to a person. There are certain good oils to use like grape seed oil, coconut oil, almond oil and jojoba oil.
3. Spread the oil around
The technique of spreading the oil around is called as effleurage and this means light friction. You can use gliding movements in long or sometimes even strokes. Also use your whole hands and start the massage by moving them upward.
4. Use a Petrissage technique
A Petrissage technique is a one that uses a short ad circular stroke by applying more pressure when compared to effleurage. You can also think of this as a technique of kneading that can use pressing as well as rolling in order to enhance a deeper level of circulation. This technique can also use the fingertips, palm and knuckles.
5. You can also use the technique of muscle lifting
In order to perform this, you can close your fingers and also hold out the thumb. You need to apply all he pressure in a lifting motion and twisting manner. Also keep alternating your hands in a movement that can be described as a windshield wiper.
6. Apply good quality twists
This means that you need to come back and around to the side of the person. Also reach around the far hip with the help of one hand that rests on your nearer hip. With the help of a fluid motion, you can also pull one hand towards you while pushing the other hand away.
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