What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a disease of the skin in which there are white patches. A disease which is difficult and long lasting, patients have a number of options to choose from, for their vitiligo treatment. Let's take a look at the various treatments for vitiligo that are available today.
What happens in Vitiligo?
Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for our skin colour. In Vitiligo, the skin cells that produce this pigment either die or are unable to secrete this melanin. Factors like heredity, exposure to chemicals, stress, sunburn and one's own immunity attacking and destroying the skin cells are thought to be responsible.
Thus, the conventional treatment for vitiligo aims at either suppressing the erroneous immune system or at bringing colour back to the white patch.
What are the Conventional Medicines for Vitiligo Treatment?
Corticosteroid creams and creams having drugs called tacrolimus or pimecrolimus aim to suppress the immunity. Thus it intends to prevent the immunity from attacking one's own skin cells.
Light therapy involves the application of UV rays on the skin, sometimes in combination with medications to enhance light sensitivity.
Grafting a patch of normal skin over the white patch and tattooing are other options that aim to restore colour in a specific patch.
What does Homoeopathy offer for Vitiligo treatment?
Homoeopathic treatment for vitiligo considers the fact that Vitiligo tends to progress as a disease. Thus, taking care of a single patch and doing nothing for the underlying immunity will not do any good to control the appearance of a new patch elsewhere. Hence, Homoeopathy tries to correct the immunity and thus stimulates the body's skin cells to produce the pigment melanin naturally.
Homoeopathic treatment of Vitiligo also attempts to heal by correcting the after-effects of triggering factors like stress, chemical exposure and hormonal imbalance of the thyroid gland.
How can Homoeopathic treatment help my Vitiligo?
Homoeopathy provides a safe solution without any of the side-effects that are seen with long term conventional treatment. We, at Life Force Homoeopathy, do not promise miraculous, permanent and quick cures for all cases of Vitiligo. The extent, duration and size of your patches, whether the patches are located on the lips, finger tips, whether you have a family history of any auto-immune disease... all these factors are taken into consideration before concluding to what extent your vitiligo can be helped with Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathic treatment of Vitiligo also attempts to heal by correcting the after-effects of triggering factors like stress, chemical exposure and hormonal imbalance of the thyroid gland.
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