Hair is one of the most important features on our body in my opinion. It tells everyone who we are and what our personality is like. It gives us an identity. So why don't we always treat it that way? I want to tell you a few things that you can do to help your hair feel better and be healthier.
1. Biotin Vitamin: Take this everyday! It really does help, this provides supplements that your hair needs to keep it strong and healthy. This is not a quick fix, you won't see the results for a couple of years but it is worth the wait.
2. Avoid washing your hair too much: over washing your hair can cause it to dry up and get damaged. You can use Dry Shampoo to help reduce the amount of oil build up. The curlier your hair is the less you should wash it. There are oils that are produced in your scalp that need to reach your ends and they can over produce if you wash your hair too much. My hair is stick straight and I should only wash it every couple days or so. If your hair is long then it can make it difficult for the oils to reach the ends of your hair which leads me to my next step.
3. Oil: Add oil to the ends of your hair after every wash. I would suggest using Redken Diamond oil or Moroccan oil, they will also help with shine, heat protection, reduce split ends and moisture. Only use a small dab of it and only apply it to your ends.
4. Shampoo and Conditioner: Choose wisely because they can either help or hurt your hair. There are many options out there but professional products are the best way to go since store bought products use waxes to give you a temporary feeling of softness and moisture when in reality it is not helping your hair at all. I personally use Pureology strength cure shampoo and conditioner and I can really feel the difference.
5. Less heat: heat causes a lot of damage whether it's a flat iron, curling iron, or a blow dryer. It can be really hard not to use heat styling products especially when you need your hair to do what you need it to now, not in a couple of hours. It pays off to wait though, If you let your hair dry while you do make up and/or eat you may be surprised how quickly it dries.
6. No ratting, backcombing, or poofing: This is hard for me because I love big hair but doing this ruffles your hair shafts and the layers are damaged which creates breakage later on.
This may be a lot of work but if you want your hair to look like those girls in the Pantene commercials then you better get to it
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