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Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Are You Walking For Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, the simpler you make it, the easier it will be to achieve your goals. That's why if you start to walk more, and combine this with a healthy eating plan, you'll be well on your way to burning off those unwanted pounds.
Why Choose Walking?
Walking is great exercise for everyone, no matter what their fitness level, or age. It's easy on your important joints, and you can increase your walks based to your capability. You don't need any specific equipment other than a good pair of walking shoes. If the weather is bad, you can walk indoors at your local shopping center. If it's good, it's a great way to get outside and into the fresh air.
Start Off Gradually
When you first start walking for weight loss, start off slowly and gradually if you've not done any physical activity for some time. If you have any health problems, always seek advice from your doctor prior to beginning on any kind of exercise program.
Short Walks Work Too
You can lose weight walking because it's simple to fit more walking into your daily routine. A 15-minute walk at steady pace will burn around 60 calories. As you add more walking into your day, like walking to and from work or getting off public transport one or two stops early, it will soon all add up.
It's A Social Thing!
You can walk with your kids, grandchildren or invite a friend to walk with you. It's a great way of catching up with people. If you start walking on a regular basis with a friend it provides you both with extra motivation because you don't want to let your friend down by not showing up!
Increase Your Intensity
You'll see that your fitness level will start improving after a few weeks. This is a good sign that it's time to raise the intensity of your walks. This means walking a little faster, or walking a little further. You can burn up to 280 calories in one hour of brisk walking. To step up the intensity you can carry hand or ankle weights whilst walking. This gives you an upper body workout while your respiratory and circulatory systems benefit
Keep in mind that to lose weight walking you need to a begin slowly and then raise the intensity as your fitness level improves. You'll feel better, lose weight and start sleeping better. What a great result!

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