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Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Top 8 Tips for Post Pregnancy Fat Loss

All of us strive hard to lose weight after the delivery of our baby.  Generally, if you gained 10-15 kgs during your pregnancy which your doctor recommended, it would take just a few months to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight; if you take care to eat right and exercise a little. If you were fat before your pregnancy or you gained more weight than your doctor advised, it can take up to a year to shed those extra kilos. Post pregnancy fat loss is essential since if  you don't do it, it could stick with you for a long time.

Going on a diet can adversely affect your post-pregnancy fat loss goals. Not being able to relish your favourite foods when you are already stressed by your new role of a mother can lead you to put on weight. If you start eating healthy when you are actually hungry, you will find that weight loss is quite easy! Instead of dieting, eating a well-balanced meal is recommended. Keep different healthy options of snacks in your home to avoid  feeling hungry and give you required energy throughout the day. fruit salad, sprouts, pop-corn and wheat crackers are all good for munching.

Post-delivery, your body needs a lot of nutrition, specially if you breast-feed your baby. Pick foods that are high in the nutrients you want but light in fat. If you are a non-vegetarian, fish is a good super food for you as it's loaded with DHA, an important omega-3 fatty acid which helps in healthy development of brain and nervous system of your baby. If you are vegetarian, milk and yogurt are best super foods for you as they are rich in the calcium an help in keeping your bones strong. Protein is also an important nutrient for you. Lean meat, chicken, and beans contain low fat and high protein and fibre. They will keep your tummy full for long time.

If you are a new mom trying to shed weight, spend more time in the kitchen because cooking at home will help you eat fresh and healthy foods! It will help you take lesser calories. Home cooked food helps contains lesser fat as it has no preservative, additives and is less in fat content as compared to processed foods. So, make sure you eat freshly cooked food and avoid adding artificial colours or additives to them. Try making healthy Quick 3 Course Meal.

Drinking lots of water and fresh fruit juices keeps you well hydrated. It also fills your tummy and you don't eat much. Some research has found that it may increase your metabolism. Drinking water and juices also improves your skin lustre and helps you look good. It also keeps you active and fresh. You try making 4 Super Cool Drinks for Summer.

Diet is only one part of your post-pregnancy fat loss plan. You also need to include some exercises post-delivery to burn calories and keep you strong. Besides helping in weight loss, exercise helps a new mom in combating baby blues, it helps her sleep better and also relieves stress. You can start with mild exercises like walking and then gradually start more strenuous exercises. Sports and dancing can also help.

Some yoga asanas, like pranayama will help you shed weight quicker than you really thought. Take yoga classes and start with basics. It is good for both your physical and mental health post-delivery. Yoga can also help you combat baby blues which will in turn make you eat better and do regular exercise.

Your friends and family members might have advised you to sleep when your baby sleeps and that's a good advice.Grab as many naps as you can during the day and go to bed early till your baby starts sleeping through the night. It may seem impossible to get a full eight hours of sleep when you have a  baby waking you  throughout the night, but being sleep deprived can make it more difficult for you to achieve post pregnancy fat loss dream. When you're sleep deprived and tired, your body releases cortisol and other stress hormones that can cause weight gain.

If you're confused about post pregnancy fat loss, get the help of your doctor and a dietician. The dietician can help you with a food plan that will let you shed weight safely, while the doctor can guide you on how much weight you should lose and when you can start doing exercise. Doctor will also be able to help you in choosing right exercises based on your physical strength.

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